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City of Fairfield Legislation Summary No. 10-2023 Following

CITY OF FAIRFIELD LEGISLATION SUMMARY NO. 10-2023 Following is a summary of legislation adopted by the Fairfield City Council on May 22, 2023. A complete text may be viewed at the following Fairfield locations: Fairfield Municipal Building (Room 138), Fairfield Lane Public Library, Fairfield YMCA, Fairfield Community Arts Center, and the Wildwood Manor House. Ord. 86-23 Contract with Building Crafts, Inc. for completion of the Aeration System Improvements Project at the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Ord. 87-23 Contract with Topp Shape Enterprises, Inc. for the 2023 Bunker Renovation Project at Fairfield's South Trace Golf Course and declaring an emergency. Ord. 88-23 Execute and file the Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) Transportation Alternative Funding Application and Agreement for the Fairfield Extension of the Great Miami River Trail (GMRT) and declaring an emergency. Ord. 89-23 Execute and file the Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) Surface Transportation Block Grant Funding Application and Agreement for the Fairfield Pleasant Avenue Multi-Use Trail and declaring an emergency. Ord. 90-23 2023 Wage & Salary Ordinance Unclassified Employees Ord. 91-23 Supplemental Appropriations Ord. 92-23 Contractual Appropriations: $210,000 for 2023 Bunker Renovation Project; $258,000 contingency funds restored for Port Union Water Tower Project (existing contract); $13,188 for CAD/RMS software upgrade (existing contract). Ord. 93-23 Non-Contractual Appropriations: $30,000 for South Route 4 Island Extension; $32,400 for purchase of 3-point mower for Tractor (Sewer Division); $14,900 for Polymer Feed Unit (Wastewater Division); $8,000 for CAD/RMS project; $4,300 for Safety Town Project; $39,000 for Police Canine replacement; $30,000 for storm sewer extensions for Emerald Lakes; $75,000 for Parks Facilities Maintenance Items (multiple vendors). 5-26/2023
May 26, 2023
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023 8:05pm