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City of Fairfield Legislation Summary No. 11-2022 Following

CITY OF FAIRFIELD LEGISLATION SUMMARY NO. 11-2022 Following is a summary of legislation adopted by the Fairfield City Council on June 13, 2022. A complete text may be viewed at the following Fairfield locations: Fairfield Municipal Building (Room 138), Fairfield Lane Public Library, Fairfield YMCA, Fairfield Community Arts Center, and the Wildwood Manor House. Ord. 82-22 Authorize the Building Superintendent to waive building permit fees related to sanitary sewer pretreatment facilities developed as part of the Koch Foods expansion project at 635 Commerce Center Drive and declaring an emergency. Ord. 83-22 Cooperation Agreement with Butler County, Ohio, for the Butler County CDBG Entitlement Program for the program years 2023-2025, and declaring an emergency. Ord. 84-22 Amendment to the Property Investment Reimbursement Agreement (PIRA) which provides economic development incentives to Veritiv Operating Company, and declaring an emergency. Ord. 85-22 Software license and service agreement with CentralSquare Technologies, LLC to purchase computer aided dispatching and records management software and declaring an emergency. Ord. 86-22 Contract with Horton Emergency Vehicles Co. for the purchase of a Horton Ambulance to be used by the Fire Department and declaring an emergency. Ord. 87-22 Three (3) year contract extension with City option for two (2) additional one (1)-year terms with Synagro (formerly LimeCorp, LTD; formerly Reagent Technologies) for the transport and disposal of lime residuals from the City's Water Treatment Plant and declaring an emergency. Ord. 88-22 Contract with Prodigy Building Solutions, LLC for various building improvements at Public Utilities facilities, and declaring an emergency. Ord. 89-22 Contractual Appropriations: $311,469 for CAD/RMS system upgrade; $375,000 for purchase of Horton ambulance; $471,000 for Public Utilities facilities improvements. Ord. 90-22 Non-Contractual Appropriations: $49,050 for Justice Center Repairs; $24,500 for Water Division Route 4 Booster Pump Station Pump #1 replacement/upgrade; $14,000 for Wastewater Division Raw Sludge Pump #2 replacement/upgrade; $11,800 for Water Division Route 4 BPS Pump #1 VFD replacement/upgrade; $13,000 for Public Works Facility Upgrades including Alarm Replacement. Res. 11-22 Create a Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) enacting regulations and declaring an emergency. Res. 12-22 Apply for, accept and enter into a cooperative agreement for financing the construction of the Port Union Water Tower Project between the City of Fairfield and the Ohio Water Development Authority and declaring an Emergency. Res. 13-22 Apply for, accept and enter into a cooperative agreement for financing the construction of the Smart Water Metering System Project between the City of Fairfield and the Ohio Water Development Authority and declaring an emergency. 6-17/2022
June 17, 2022
July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022 8:05pm