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City of Fairfield Legislation Summary No. 16-2019 Following

CITY OF FAIRFIELD LEGISLATION SUMMARY NO. 16-2019 Following is a summary of legislation adopted by the Fairfield City Council on October 15, 2019. A complete text may be viewed at the following Fairfield locations: Fairfield Municipal Building (Room 138), Fairfield Lane Public Library, Fairfield YMCA, Fairfield Community Arts Center, and the Wildwood Manor House. Res. 9-19 Permit a Hamilton property owner to receive City of Fairfield, Ohio sanitary sewer service. Ord. 100-19 Appropriation Ordinance - Supplemental Appropriations - Transfers of Monies Ord. 101-19 Appropriation Ordinance (Non-Contractual Items) $12,400 for crack sealing (parking lots); $14,751 for Village Green Holiday Light Decorations; $10,500 for commercial water meters; $9,401 for telemetry upgrades at Rt. 4 and Muskopf Water Pumping Stations; $3,128 for additional dog park signage. 10-18/2019
October 18, 2019
November 17, 2019
November 17, 2019 8:10pm