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Legal Notice to Contractors the Warren County Transportation

LEGAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Warren County Transportation Improvement District (WCTID), in cooperation and coordination with the Warren County Engineer's Office will be accepting sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, equipment, and materials needed to construct Columbia Road / Davis Road / Myrtle Avenue Roundabout in accordance with the applicable Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications (effective January 1, 2023 and its revisions and supplements), Standard Construction Drawings, Standard Bridge Drawings, Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control, The State of Ohio Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual, and other applicable standards in force on the date of letting and in accordance with the Project Specifications and Construction Plans on file in the office of the Warren County Engineer. This project is the construction of Columbia Road / Davis Road / Myrtle Avenue Roundabout in Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio. The Engineer's estimate for this project is Three Million Six Hundred Thousand and no cents ($3,600,000.00). All bids must be submitted in conformance with the requirements of the Project Specifications and in a sealed envelope marked: Columbia Road / Davis Road / Myrtle Avenue Roundabout and received in the office of the Warren County Engineer, 210 W Main Street, Lebanon, Ohio 45036, no later than 11:00 a.m. Local Time on Thursday, May 23, 2024 after which time all bids shall be opened and read publicly. Bid documents and specifications are available after May 6th, 2024, on the Warren County website at Default.aspx. Questions regarding the technical specifications should be directed Dominic Brigano, P.E., S.I., Warren County Engineer's Office at 513-695- 3313 or Each contractor shall be ODOT prequalified. This notice is posted on the Warren County website at: Default.aspx. Contact the Warren County Commissioner's Office at (513) 695-1250 should you need assistance in accessing the bidding information on the County's website. All contract addenda will be posted to the website prior to the bid opening. Bidders should check the website regularly to stay updated on any changes to the project. Please be aware that if you are downloading this document to bid this project, and in order to stay updated on any change, please email Jeff Stilgenbauer in the Commissioners' Office at with your contact information. Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Warren County, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Department of Industrial Relations. WCTID reserves the right to waive any informalities, reject any or all bids and to hold such bids for a period of sixty (60) days before taking any action thereon, and to award a contract to the best, most responsive and responsible Bidder. WARREN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WARREN COUNTY, OHIO 5-6/2024
May 6, 2024
May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024 8:10pm