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Notice of Election on Proposition Ohio Const. Art

Notice of Election on Proposition Ohio Const. Art. XVIII §9; R.C. 7.16 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hamilton, Ohio passed on the 12th day of August, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people of City of Hamilton at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020, the question of Shall Article XII, Section 12.03 of the Charter of the City of Hamilton be amended to omit specified fire force scheduling requirements from the Charter? Full text of the proposed amendment is as follows ARTICLE XII POLICE AND FIRE SERVICE 12.03 Fire Force The City shall maintain a fire force consisting of an officer in charge thereof and of such number of other officers, firefighters and employees as may be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.09 of this Charter. In case of riot, conflagration, or like emergency, the City Manager may appoint additional officers and firefighters for temporary service who need not be in the classified service of the City. The officer directly in charge of the fire force shall have control of the stationing and other disposition of the force under rules and regulations as he or she may establish with the approval of the City Manager. On and after January 1, 1954, the Chief of the Fire Division of the City of Hamilton, Ohio, shall divide the uniform force of said fire force into not less than two platoons. In the discretion of the Chief of the Fire Division, the fire force may be divided into a three platoon system, and in order to carry out the terms of this section, the Council of the City of Hamilton, Ohio, shall levy an additional tax outside of any legal limitations for Fire Division purposes at a rate of one mill ($.001) for each one dollar ($1.00) of valuation, which amounts to ten cents ($0.10) for each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on Election Day. By order of the City of Hamilton, Ohio Patrick G. Moeller, Mayor Daniel Tidyman, Acting City Clerk October 25, 2020 10-25/2020
October 25, 2020
November 3, 2020
November 3, 2020 8:05pm